
Paper is now available on macOS. Get it now

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Over 1000+ users
4.6 stars

Capture your ideas anytime, anywhere, with ease.

Organize your thoughts, take notes, create notebooks, tags, and more with Paper. Collaborate with your friends and family.

Features at a glance

Our Features

Paper offers a large variety of features while remaining simple to use. From cloud sync to offline access, you get all the tools you need, anywhere, on any device, any time.

Cloud sync & backup
Keep your notes organized with notebooks. You can create as many folders as you need, and you can even nest folders within notebooks.
Keep your notes organized with notebooks. You can create as many folders as you need, and you can even nest folders within notebooks.
Powerful text editor
Edit your notes with our powerful text editor. You can change the font, size, and color of your text, and you can even add images and links.
Find your notes quickly and easily with our search feature. You can search by keyword, date, or even by the content of your notes.
Product screenshot


Choose a right plan for you

We offer a free tier that allows you to get started with Paper without any limitations.

  • Free tier
    $0 /mo

    All basic functions are free of charge. Pro subscription helps us to bring you more features and services.


Cloud sync & auto backup
ReminderOne per noteUnlimited
Access to desktop app
Real-time collaboration
AI Chat
Embedded vocals transcription
Notes summary


Personal support

Ready to get started?

Unlike other apps, Paper offers cloud sync and offline access. Additionnally your notes backed up to the cloud.