Frequently Asked Questions

Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Reach out to our customer support team.

Why should i use Paper ?

Paper was born out of frustration with the limitations of Google Keep and the complexity of Notion. Paper is designed to be very easy to use, while providing an optimal user experience.

Can the developer see my notes ?

No, the application data is stored on your phone, nothing is sent to a server. Which also means you can use the application without an Internet connection. Your data can be backed up on YOUR Google Drive or iCloud account.

Can i use the app for free ?

Yes, absolutely. The application offers a free plan (and no, we don't sell your data, we don't even have it). The premium plan offers you a better experience and more comfort. However, you can still use the application without any particular limitations.

What's coming next ?

The roadmap will be available shortly. In the meantime, we assure you that we are actively working on the application and will take your feedback into account.